Learned that an
Appointment Calendar order for a customer in Quebec that was due to be shipped on Dec 8th is delayed and will not ship until next Friday the 15th. Shipping will take 4 or 5 days. The customer is leaving town on the 22nd and needs to get them out to her customers before she leaves.
The factory just received too many last minute orders and could not keep up. They are a week behind. It's just something that we can't control at this time of the year.
Here's a great reason to order calendars early in the year when the factory is not busy. In fact most of our calendar companies offer an early order discount for ordering in the first quarter of the year. The calendars are produced in the slow season, stored for the customer, shipped in the fall and billed when they are shipped with payment due on November 30 of that year.
Monday I'll try to get the factory to ship one day earlier and if we ship UPS 3 day, they'll get there on the 19th, which should be enough time for my customer to deliver to her customers before she leaves. We'll keep our fingers crossed.
We are still taking orders for
2007 Calendars. Of course they'll be delivered now in the first week of 07.
Received an order this past Friday for 700 large
Year-In-View Calendars. It's a Custom Calendar with custom colors and two full color pictures. We'll be drop shipping the calendars in tubes directly to their customers around the World via US mail.
I'll try to convince both of these clients to order early next year.

Now is a good time to start thinking about that special
Custom Calendar you've been thinking about for your company. Using full color images of your products, people, buildings, customers or using custom artwork, we've got a lot of time to think about and design your 2008 calendars.